Jumbled Word Guess Program (Written in Ada because I was made to)

5 years ago March 16, 2019 - 09:03 am

A year ago, I had to write two programs in Ada for my university project. I was allowed to write whatever I wanted as long as I implemented some sort of algorithm. So I did. This is one of the two I wrote. It took a bit to grasp the syntax of Ada since tutorials for it were a little scarce. It was very fun and challenging to write though.

with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random;
use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure GuessTheWord is
		Input : File_Type;
		counter : Integer;
		wordLength : Integer;
		charArray, answerCharArray, clueCharArray : array (Integer range 0 .. 99) of Character;
		temp, temp2 : Integer;
		tempChar : Character;
		userInput : String (1 .. 80);
		last : Natural;
		isCorrect : Boolean;
		lives : Integer;

		function generateRandomLineCount return Integer is
			type Rand_Range is range 0..54670;
			package Rand_Int is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random(Rand_Range);
			seed : Rand_Int.Generator;
			Num : Rand_Range;
				Num:= Rand_Int.Random(seed);
				return Integer(Num);
			end generateRandomLineCount;

		function generateRandomCounter return Integer is
			type Rand_Range is range 1..12;
			package Rand_Int is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random(Rand_Range);
			seed : Rand_Int.Generator;
			Num : Rand_Range;
				Num:= Rand_Int.Random(seed);
				return Integer(Num);
			end generateRandomCounter;

		function generateRandomCounterSmaller return Integer is
			type Rand_Range is range 1..5;
			package Rand_Int is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random(Rand_Range);
			seed : Rand_Int.Generator;
			Num : Rand_Range;
				Num:= Rand_Int.Random(seed);
				return Integer(Num);
			end generateRandomCounterSmaller;

			counter := 1;
			Open(File => Input, 
				 Mode => In_File,
				 Name => "dict.txt");
			temp := generateRandomLineCount;
			Set_Line(Input, To => Count(temp));
				Line : String := Get_Line(Input);
				while counter <= Line'Length loop
					answerCharArray(counter) := Line(counter);
					charArray(counter) := Line(counter);
					clueCharArray(counter) := Line(counter);
					counter := counter + 1; 
				end loop;
				wordLength := Line'Length;

			counter := 1;
			--Shuffles the contents of the Character array. This applies the Fisher-Yates algorithm.
			while counter <= wordLength loop
				temp := generateRandomCounter;
				if (temp > wordLength) then
					temp:= generateRandomCounterSmaller;
				end if;
				temp2 := generateRandomCounter;
				if (temp2 > wordLength) then
					temp2:= generateRandomCounterSmaller;
				end if;
				tempChar := charArray(temp);
				charArray(temp) := charArray(temp2);
				charArray(temp2) := tempChar;
				counter := counter + 1;
	 		end loop;


	 		-- Add blanks in the letters of the word as a clue
	 		for ctr in Integer range 1 .. 5 loop
	 			clueCharArray(generateRandomCounterSmaller) := '_';
	 		end loop;
	 		-- Display clue array 
	 		for ctr in Integer range 1 .. wordLength loop
	 			Put(clueCharArray(ctr) & ' ');
	 		end loop;

			-- Display jumbled letters
			for counter in Integer range 1 .. wordLength loop
				Put(charArray(counter) & ' ');
			end loop;

			counter := 1;
			lives := 3;
			while lives > 0 loop
				Put("What's the word: ");
				while counter <= wordLength loop
					if (answerCharArray(counter) = userInput(counter)) then
						isCorrect := True;
						isCorrect := False;
					end if;
					counter := counter + 1;
				end loop;
				if isCorrect = True then 
					Put_Line("You are correct!");
					Put_Line("You are wrong!");
				end if;
				lives := lives - 1;
				if (lives = 0) then
					Put_Line("Game Over!!!");
				end if;
			end loop;

end GuessTheWord;